Online Safety
At St. Theresa’s Primary School, we appreciate the positive impact that the online world can have on children's education.
We provide children with regular and rich opportunities to learn about the importance of staying safe online, both at home and at school. These include:
• Participating in Safer Internet Day annually
• Online safety competitions
• Discussions with children during every Computing lesson or cross-curricular use of ICT about how to stay safe
• Computing units within the curriculum with a focus on leaving a positive digital footprint (such as website design in Year five and online safety in Year six)
• Digital leaders within school to promote online safety
• Workshops with children from outside agencies, such as the NSPCC
• Parent workshops
Safer Internet Guide-and-resource for social-media-guides
Below Parents and Carers can find some very useful guides produced by National Online Safety. These are produced each week as part of their 'Wake Up Wednesday' resources.
what parents and carers need to know about youtube kids.pdf
what parents and carers need to know about toddlers and screen time.pdf
online safety for under 5s guide.pdf
what parents and carers need to know about facebook wake up wednesday.pdf
what parents and carers need to know about you tube.pdf
what parents and carers need to know about phone scams pdf.pdf
what parents need to know about whatsapp guide.pdf
check in with friends guide 2022.pdf
inspiring children to build a better digital world 2022.pdf
what parents need to know about age inappropriate content 2021 22.pdf
what parents need to know about apple guided access 2021 22.pdf
what parents need to know about fortnite 3 2022.pdf
what parents need to know about netflix 202122.pdf
what parents need to know about pokemon go 2021 22.pdf
what parents need to know about setting up devices 2022.pdf
what parents need to know about tiktok 2021 22.pdf
what parents need to know about snapchat 2021 22.pdf
how to set up parental controls to limit age appropriate content android phone april 2021 pdf.pdf
how to set up parental controls to limit age appropriate content iphone april 2021 pdf.pdf
what parents need to know about roblox april 2021.pdf
what parents need to know share kindness on line 2021 22.pdf