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St Theresa's RC Primary School

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

Main Reception: 0161 770 3173

Fax: 0161 770 3174


St. Theresa's RC Primary School
Whetstone Hill Road


Got a Query?

Our office staff are Miss Foley and Mrs Osborne. Please use the contact details listed. 

They will be happy to deal with your enquiries and get back to you as soon as possible.

Request Paper Copies: A paper copy of any information on the school website will be provided free of charge upon request. 

Email: info@sttheresas.oldham.sch.uk

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator

Our school SENDCo is Miss Sally Kershaw. If you have any SEND concerns about your child, or would like more information on SEND provision at our school, please contact Miss Kershaw by telephoning the school office. 

Social Media

Twitter: @St_Theresas_RC