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St Theresa's RC Primary School

Come and See Religion

We follow the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work at St. Theresa’s. Our teachers find imaginative and creative ways to teach the Diocesan age related objectives across the nine units of work.  Children are encouraged to relate new learning to previous learning and to their own real world experiences.

 Each unit of work lasts for four weeks approximately with a Caritas theme of work running alongside for each half term and a designated week to focus on our Caritas theme at  some point within the half term.

The order of teaching of our Caritas units may vary from year to year as we try to coincide the children’s learning experiences with events taking place within the Liturgical year. For example, this year we chose ‘stewardship’ as our first topic because it was the ‘Season of Creation’ until October 4th.

Come and See Floor Books

Throughout school,  we use floor books to showcase our learning . 

Take a look at some of our amazing Religion work below.

Come and See Floor Books Religion


 Recording and Assessment of Religious Education

 We use ‘age-related standards’ approved by the Bishops of the department for Catholic Education in 2018 to monitor our children’s learning across year groups and to ensure that they are being presented with a developmental, age appropriate Catholic curriculum.

The ‘Driver words’  and level descriptors used are not ‘content specific’ and this allows our teachers to plan exciting, relevant sequences of learning and ensures children are able to respond in imaginative, creative ways including writing, art, drama and music.

Children are very much encouraged to be part of their learning journey and contribute to their own assessment of religious understanding in various ways. At the start of a new unit of work, all children complete ‘red box’ mind maps to reflect on what they already know. As the unit progresses they are encouraged to add to their knowledge and understanding though the addition of ‘blue box’ updates.

Work is planned to carefully incorporate the level descriptors and allow children to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, to observe their engagement and responses and to allow them to analyse and evaluate sources as they progress through phases.