Advent Mass
On Wednesday 14th December 2022, the whole school joined together for the Advent Mass which was lead by Father Derek and the Gift Chaplains. We listened to God's word and praised God through songs.
During the mass we thought about the true meaning of Christmas and how we can keep Jesus at the very heart of it.
The theme of the Mass was signs and symbols. We thought about some of the things that we do during this time of year that help us to remember that God sent his son Jesus to Bethlehem all those years ago.
Advent Mass
During the offertory, the Chaplains brought the following signs and symbols at this time of the year and helped us understand more about their meaning.
A present - We all enjoy receiving presents at Christmas but we might sometimes forget why we give presents. We give them just like the wise men did when they came to visit Jesus. They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh. May we promise to give ourselves to Jesus this Christmas time.
A Christmas Tree - The tree is evergreen and never dies which helps to remind us that Jesus' love is everlasting. May we always show our love for Jesus.
Holly - The leaves represent the crown of thorns that were placed on Jesus' head when he was crucified on the cross. As we look at the holly let us remember what Jesus did for us so that we could be with Him forever.
A Star - This is to remind us that the star led the wise men to find baby Jesus. It helps us to remember that we have the 'guiding light' to lead us to be with Him in heaven.
The bread and wine - which will become Jesus' body and blood, the very special gift Jesus gave to us.
We closed our Mass with this Communion Reflection read by a Chaplain.
'We ask God to be with us this Christmas. We thank Him for the many blessings in our lives and with anticipation, preparation and hope we look forward to the arrival of Jesus, the light of the world.'