Year 6 Key Information
We are so happy to welcome you to Year 6.
This will be an exciting, enjoyable and engaging year. Your child will learn new skills and consolidate existing skills.
School starts at 8.45am
As soon as the children come into our class our work begins so please make sure they arrive on time then they do not miss out on valuable learning time.
Year 6 have PE on Friday afternoon. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school which consists of a white top, black shorts and black pumps.
Recorders is on Tuesday.
French is on Tuesday.
We give home work and spellings out on a Friday to be returned on the following Tuesday.
Reading books will be given out on a Friday, please bring your books in every day so your child can be listened to reading. Books MUST be in on a Wednesday as this will allow us to return the books into our library for other children to read.
It is an expectation that children read at home at least three times per week 5 minutes a day can make such a massive difference to their reading fluency and their confidence. Children who read for pleasure are six times more likely to achieve above their age-related expectations, so it is incredibly important.
Please support your child’s reading by listening to them read and commenting in their yellow reading record. (you can comment or simply sign so we know they are reading at home)
The children are not expected to read a whole book every time - a couple of pages regularly is fine. Once this is returned to school, the book will then be change. Book bands are regularly reviewed.
If a book is lost then there will be a £5 charge.
Below is a document which shows how reading progresses throughout the school, and how you can support at home.
Children will receive homework for English and Maths every Friday, and will be expected to hand it in by the following Tuesday. Children who struggle to complete their homework at home will be invited to attend a homework club after school.
In addition to their English and Maths homework, children are expected to practise their spellings every week. They receive spellings on a Friday and are tested the following Friday. They should also be able to confidently read and spell the words from the National Curriculum Common Exceptions words list for Years 3/4 and 5/6, which are linked below.
Year 3/4 Common Exception Words
Year 5/6 Common Exception Words
Times Tables
Children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by Year 4, however this is something that they need to continue to practise into Year 6. Children should be fluent in the bonds up to 12 x 12, and be able to confidently understand the inverse operations of each calculation. All children have an account on Times Table Rockstars, where they can play games to help them to learn their times tables and the equivalent division facts. Children will have a times tables rock star log in (see the link pupil weblinks page)
Year 6 have PE on Friday afternoon. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school which consists of a white top, black shorts and black pumps.