Religious Education
Our Religious Education Subject Lead is Mrs L. McCombe and our Subject Link Governor is Winefride Claber.
Statement of Religious Education Intent
We aim to ensure that every child is aware of God’s presence in their lives and that they are offered a firm platform in Religious Education, strengthened by example, teaching and prayer. In partnership with parents and parish we promote the spiritual and moral formation and well-being of the children. The Catholic spirit of the school should be immediately apparent in the daily life of the school.
Religious Instruction is given in accordance with the Syllabus prescribed by the Diocese of Salford – ‘Come and See’. The school views the RE curriculum as having paramount importance as it provides for the children the link in their faith development as strong, confident and committed Roman Catholics. This curriculum is taught in both separate focused lessons and through other subjects as the opportunities naturally arise. RE is developed in an ongoing year-by-year basis in our RE Development Plan. All staff ensure that the highest quality of learning experience is provided in RE as in other subject areas.
The preparation of children in Year 3 for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is primarily the responsibility of the parents, undertaken within the context of their parish, supported and reinforced through classroom activities and opportunities to pray and reflect.
The school provides daily acts of worship in each classroom and also whole school assemblies. We celebrate important feast days by attending Mass either in school or in Church – the children are encouraged to participate in the readings, prayers and offertory procession. All children in our school are invited to take part in collective acts of worship regardless of their faith background.